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環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 職稱英語培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時間: 2016年12月09日


1.That guy(家伙,小伙子) is intelligent(聰明的), but a bit dull (沉悶的、乏味的、單調(diào)的). (answer: D)

A.strange:奇怪的、陌生的、不同尋常的,常見搭配:be strange to sth

he’s strange to the new work. (他對這新工作很不習(xí)慣。)

B. special:特殊的、特別的、專門的、額外的,如:special friend特別的朋友;special train專列;當(dāng)名詞用時,特別的人或事物。

C. quiet:安靜的。Keep quiet!保持安靜!

D. boring:枯燥的、無趣的、單調(diào)的,請注意和它有關(guān)的其他同根詞:

bore: v使人感到乏味;bored: adj 感到乏味的;在口語中,有時說:

Long speech bores me to death. (冗長的演講把我煩死了。)

2. We all think(認(rèn)為) that Mary’s husband(丈夫) is a very boring(乏味的) person.

A shy(害羞的) B stupid(愚蠢的)

C dull(乏味的、無趣的、遲鈍的) D selfish(自私的)

dull = boring = uninteresting


3.She is a highly (非常) successful (成功的)teacher. (answer: C)

A. fairly :adv 相當(dāng)?shù)?、公平地、完全地,一般與褒義詞連用,如:

1). Your bedroom(臥室)is fairly tidy(整潔的).

2). You are not treating(對待) us fairly(公平地).

B. rather : adv 相當(dāng)?shù)?,多與貶義詞連用,如:it’s rather cold today. (今天相當(dāng)?shù)乩洹?除此之外,常見搭配:would rather do A than do B:寧愿做A也不愿做B,如:

I would rather walk to school than take a bus.

rather too:太。。。,如:English is rather too difficult for me.(英語對于我來說太難。)

rather than:不是,不要,如:I would like a cup of tea rather than coffee.

C. very: 非常

D. moderately: adv 適度地、不過分地


his classmates speak highly of him. (他的同班同學(xué)對他高度評價。)

4.We should not sacrifice(犧牲) environmental protections(環(huán)保) to foster (促進(jìn))economic(經(jīng)濟的) growth(增長). (answer: B)

A. reduce:減少,同義詞:decrease

B. promote: v 晉升、提升、促進(jìn)

C. realize(***):認(rèn)識到、實現(xiàn)計劃、了解到,常見搭配:

Realize one’s mistake認(rèn)識到自己的錯誤;realize one’s hopes/plan/dream實現(xiàn)希望/計劃/夢想;realize the truth of the event了解時間真相

D. give:給予

補充:foster是一個多義詞,除了“促進(jìn)”,還表示培養(yǎng)、培育、照顧、撫養(yǎng)(不屬于自己的孩子), 如:foster mother養(yǎng)母;foster parents養(yǎng)父母。

5.Government(政府) health campaigns(健康運動) have fostered (培養(yǎng))an awareness(意識) of the dangers(危險,危害性) in certain social habits (某些社會習(xí)慣).

A. included(包括) B. discovered(發(fā)現(xiàn))

C. cultivated (培養(yǎng)、養(yǎng)成, 種植莊稼,陶冶情操)

D. discouraged:使某人泄氣,失去信心,反義詞:encourage:鼓勵,請注意dis-是一個常見的反義前綴。

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