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您的位置: 上海培訓(xùn)網(wǎng) > ACT培訓(xùn)資訊 > ACT寫作考試如何抓住細(xì)節(jié)【上?!?


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ACT寫作部分是考生們**容易忽視的部分,可當(dāng)不少學(xué)生**努力把ACT刷到了30 的分?jǐn)?shù)后,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)寫作單項還停留在7、8分這個平庸的成績,不禁讓人感到頭疼。畢竟申請絕大多數(shù)**時都需要提供ACT寫作單項成績的。所以同學(xué)們在SAT寫作中一定要認(rèn)真,不要出現(xiàn)缺乏細(xì)節(jié)等問題。

1. 什么是細(xì)節(jié)?


2. ACT寫作評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)對細(xì)節(jié)的要求是什么?

“Development of ideas is specific. Most ideas are fully elaborated.”雖然短短一句話,但是表明了評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)對細(xì)節(jié)的重視程度。現(xiàn)在我們以ACT官方指南上的一個題目為例:

“Should high schools adopt dress codes for students?”(高中是否應(yīng)該有著裝規(guī)范?)很多同學(xué)拿到這道題都能夠迅速的確定立場和理由,下面以學(xué)生作文練習(xí)中一段為例:

“Dress codes can contribute to healthy school atmosphere. It is common for people to notice that an increasing number of high school students wear inappropriate clothes in schools. Such kinds of clothes severely distract students from learning. With the common practice of uniforms, one kind of dress codes, school can create a better environment for students.”

這段存在的問題大部分同學(xué)都會有,就是缺乏具體的細(xì)節(jié)。其中提到了“inappropriate clothing”(不當(dāng)著裝) 這個概念及產(chǎn)生的不好影響。但是卻并沒有指出到底什么樣的衣服是不當(dāng)著裝,高中**常出現(xiàn)的不當(dāng)著裝有哪些,因而缺乏足夠的說服力。如何才能做到細(xì)節(jié)夠具體呢?以ACT官方指南滿分范文其中一段為例:

“Allowing students to wear whatever they want is clearly not working. Too many teens today seek to emulate rock stars and pick up fashion tips from MTV. In a culture that is inundated with sexual inuendo or worse, it is not surprising that kids show up at school in suggestive clothing. The educators are right. Short skirts and spandex tops can be extremely distracting to a population group driven largely by hormones. Establishing a dress code could help improve the learning environment in the school.”

這一段同樣是在寫不當(dāng)著裝,但是卻具體很多。比如文中具體提到了校園中不當(dāng)著裝的一種—suggestive clothing(暴露的著裝),甚至具體的衣服類型--- short skirts(超短裙),spandex tops (露臍上衣)。

3. 如何寫出更具體的細(xì)節(jié)?

確定話題中的主要概念,然后查找與概念相關(guān)的具體細(xì)節(jié)。其實ACT寫作話題的廣度和深度相比SAT要簡單很多。題目大多是校園話題。因此要提供具體的細(xì)節(jié),平時留意積累就OK了。 現(xiàn)在舉例說明。

1). “Is it too distracting for high school students to divide their attention among several activities when they are doing homework?”


如果我們的立場是“做作業(yè)同時做其他事情會分心”, 那么重點就是同時做哪些事情會導(dǎo)致我們分心呢,很多同學(xué)寫的例子段里面只是空泛的分析了這樣做的缺點,但沒能指出具體哪些事情。其實這個細(xì)節(jié)相對比較容易,因為和高中生的生活息息相關(guān)。大家只需要思考做作業(yè)的時候作哪些事情會分心,比如聽音樂,刷Facebook,Twitter,微信朋友圈,聊天,看美劇,玩游戲。**列出具體的細(xì)節(jié),然后再一一分析如何干擾學(xué)習(xí),降低效率就更有說服力了。

2). “Should high school libraries subscribe to popular magazines?”



“Subscribing to popular magazines motivates students to read. For my school district, every school in the district has access to all kinds of magazines and books. The results are significant – students who resist reading tend to spend more time in the library with friends reading. This will develop into a long-term habit and students will tend to read more even after they graduate from school.”

這一段存在的問題同樣也是缺乏具體的細(xì)節(jié)。題目主要的概念就是通俗雜志,但是論證中卻沒有出現(xiàn)具體的通俗雜志的例子。要寫好這個題目,大家需要想一想有哪些常見的美國通俗雜志。其實并不需要太多時間,但是會讓大家的文章變得更有說服力。比如美國常見的通俗雜志包括 ELLE, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone, Food Network, National Geographic。寫理由段的時候就可以選取任意一個雜志為例來寫訂閱這類雜志對青少年的優(yōu)缺點。下面是學(xué)生加入具體細(xì)節(jié)之后的修改版:

“Subscribing to popular magazines motivates students to read. For my school district, every school in the district has access to all kinds of magazines and books including National Geographic that gave students a grand view of the nature; it attracts students who are interested in photography by posting incredible seen of the wild such as leopards and elephants in Africa. The results are significant – students who resist to read tend to spend more time in the library with friends to read. This will develop into a long-term habit and students will tend to read more even after they graduate from school.”





11: 41: 09




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