發(fā)布時間: 2016年03月25日
中國菜(Chinese cuisine)享譽世界,是世界美食的明珠,并被推崇為全球最為健康的食物。菜系(cooking style)繁多,烹飪方法也不盡相同。其四大要素—色、形、香(aroma)、味,決定了菜的好壞,是判斷其水平的標準。中國東北菜的口味變化多端,色彩豐富,造型美觀。而南方菜的特點是口味清淡、顏色亮麗,保留了食材的原始味道。
Chinese cuisine, as a pearl of world cuisine, is famous and recommended as the healthiest food in the world. It has various cooking styles and its cooking techniques are also diverse. Chinese cuisine features four elements—color, shape,aroma and taste, which decide how good it is and they are the criteria of judging its ,quality. Northeastern Chinese cuisine’s taste features varied taste, rich color and beautiful shape. While in the southern China, the food features light taste, bright color and remains the original flavor of the food materials.
下一篇: 2016英語四級翻譯學習四部曲