當(dāng)前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 新東方在線> 2016年英語四級(jí)語法早訓(xùn)練:動(dòng)名詞
新東方在線 英語四級(jí)培訓(xùn)



發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年03月22日




1. 某些動(dòng)詞后要接動(dòng)名詞

某些及物動(dòng)詞后能用動(dòng)名詞而不能用不定式作賓語,其中最常用動(dòng)詞的有admit, avoid, appreciate, complete, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, involve, imagine, can’t help, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prevent, quit, resent, risk, resist, suggest等。

She suggested spending another day in the mountain area.

There’s no way to escape doing the work.

She is considering asking her employer for a rise.


① 在need、want、require、deserve等動(dòng)詞后的動(dòng)名詞相當(dāng)于不定式的被動(dòng)式

The clock needs/wants repairing. (=The clock needs/wants to be repaired)

The disabled deserve respecting. (=The disabled deserve to be respected.)

② 在like、hate、prefer等動(dòng)詞后,如果表示一般傾向,則用動(dòng)名詞作賓語;如果指具體的某次發(fā)生在將來的行動(dòng),則要用不定式。

I like reading books of this kind, but I don’t like to read that book.

She prefers walking to cycling.

I prefer to stay at home today.

③ 在remember、forget、regret等動(dòng)詞后,如果用動(dòng)名詞作賓語,則表示該賓語的動(dòng)作發(fā)生在動(dòng)詞謂語的動(dòng)作之前;如果用不定式作賓語,則表示賓語的動(dòng)作發(fā)生在動(dòng)詞謂語的動(dòng)作之后

I remembered locking the door. (=I remembered that I had locked the door.)

I remembered to lock the door (=I remembered that I was to lock the door.)

I regret telling you about it. (=I regret that I told you about it.)

I regret to tell you he has fallen ill. (=I regret that I am to tell you he has fallen ill.)

2. 動(dòng)名詞作介詞的賓語


His dream of becoming a successful writer has come true.

She left without saying goodbye to us.

動(dòng)名詞作介詞的賓語常用在某些詞組后面。這類常用的詞組主要有:be accustomed to, believe in, confess to, dream of, feel like, give up, insist on, be interested in, look forward to, object to, have an (no) objection to, pay attention to, put off, be responsible for, succeed in, be tired of, be (get) used to, worry about,等。

He is used to living on his own.

He has made up his mind to give up smoking.

3. 帶邏輯主語的動(dòng)名詞

動(dòng)名詞可以有邏輯主語,其構(gòu)成形式為“名詞或代詞的所有格 動(dòng)名詞”。帶邏輯主語的動(dòng)名詞又稱為動(dòng)名詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu),在句中用作主語,賓語,表語和介詞的賓語。在非正式語體中,如果動(dòng)名詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)在句中作賓語,也可以賓格來充當(dāng)動(dòng)名詞的邏輯主語。但考生需注意的是,在各種英語測(cè)試中,專家們?nèi)詧?jiān)持在正式語體中用代詞的所有格來作動(dòng)名詞的邏輯主語。

Your driving a car to New York took longer than I expected.

I appreciated her devoting herself to the cause of education.

Your mother will be astonished at your coming home so late.

What we felt uneasy about was Li Ming’s having too much confidence in himself.




