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新東方在線 雅思(IELTS)培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時間: 2016年03月14日

沈陽、武漢兩次考雅思總結(jié) 范文一篇 - 雅思經(jīng)驗




10個工作日過去了,我在考完后第二個星期4下午查到了自己的成績,6.5,7,5,6 總分6分,雖然有心理準(zhǔn)備可是看到成績的一瞬間還是失落了一下。



第二天,抖擻抖擻精神,投入雅思戰(zhàn)斗。不知道是沒睡好還是怎么回事,聽力考試之前,腦袋昏昏沉沉的,喝了紅牛也不管用??荚囘€沒開始,試題發(fā)下來,監(jiān)考老師一再提醒不要打開,我趁著監(jiān)考老師到后面發(fā)試卷,偷偷的翻開看了一下試題,因為我平時也是好學(xué)生不太習(xí)慣做這種事情,心里還是很緊張的,結(jié)果一緊張,腦門一出汗,腦子倒是清醒了不少,哈哈 !聽力考試的時候狀態(tài)奇佳,我竟然可以做到一邊記填空題的答案,一邊留意后面錄音的內(nèi)容,這是我多年以來期望在聽力中達(dá)到的狀態(tài),第3部分是舊題,我記得很清楚,聽力還沒放完,我就全部寫出來了。只有最后一部分有一個空我沒聽清楚,蒙了一個答案。



我九月6號下午就在查成績,一直等到晚上1點多都沒有出來,9月7號中午終于查到成績了。L8.5,R7.5,W6,S 6 總分7分。那一刻我終于體會到了當(dāng)年杜甫“漫卷詩書喜欲狂”的感覺。



Last year many famous sports professionals earned millions of dollars each. On the other hand, most in some ordinary professions like nurses, doctors and teachers earn only a small fraction of the income of these stars.

Is it fair for sports stars to receive high salaries while people with jobs that directly help people are paid much less?

In a worldwide survey conducted last year, researchers found a vast chasm between sports celebrities and ordinary employees. In my opinion, the astronomical salaries that those sports starts have earned are not justified and it’s quite unfair for nurses, doctors and teachers to receive an appallingly low pay.

In retrospect, most people can easily see the absurdity of paying sports stars such a large sum of money because their contribution to the society is no more than to excite and entertain the otherwise bored audiences by participating in sports competitions. In other words, the benefits from their spectacular performances are indirect and superficial. Moreover, superstars in the sports and entertainment industries can often make large fortunes by appearing in TV commercials or newspaper advertisements. Acting as the mouthpiece of some multinational companies and boosting their corporate images, sports stars rely solely on their reputation and attractive appearance to help the sales pitch for the advertised new products.

In start contrast with the glittering careers of those sports professionals, people who hold seemingly routine jobs are actually devoting much of their time and energy to assisting others in a direct and meaningful way. For instance, although nurses are often assigned the menial tasks of cleaning the wards and dressing patients, they constitute an essential part of the entire staff that any hospital cannot dispense with because without them it is almost impossible for the doctors to carry out any working procedure. Another example id found in teachers, who are called the engineer of human soul in many countries. Possessing such a nice title and dedicating themselves to cultivating the minds of young children, many teachers, especially those in remote villages, are poorly paid.

In summary, the extreme inequality in our salary system between sports luminaries and ordinary employees must be abolished because it fosters the erroneous belief that commonplace occupations are of insignificant social value. In fact, many of today’s young people have already been led astray by the unrealistic ambition to achieve stardom.






