當(dāng)前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 新東方在線> 考研英語一閱讀真題原文是如何被正確選項(xiàng)改寫的
新東方在線 考研培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2018年05月29日



elite=who perform well

mania= craze

cognitiveexercise= meaningful processing of information

be made= to nurture

be born= owe to nature

Practicemakes perfect= talent is highly overrated


adult andchildren's version= formats for adults and children

areobtained through獲得于= is now based on

not bereliable= may not assess

vulnerableto= lost the parachute

lesssecured payments=depending on investment return

large newdose of investment risk=

increasethe families' investment risk

politicalfallout may not be far=

may bringabout political problems

on theCliff= reduce to poor

datainsecurity= data leakage

weakpoint=potential vulnerabilities

go astray=leakage

regulatorswill act= legal penalty

come as asurprise!= fail to see

Themystery is!= what puzzles


elite精英=who perform well做得好的人

mania瘋狂= craze瘋狂

cognitiveexercise認(rèn)知訓(xùn)練= meaningful processing of information有意識(shí)地信息處理

be made被制造= owe to nurture基于培養(yǎng)

be born被生育= owe to nature基于自然

Practicemakes perfect熟能生巧= talent is highly overrated天才被高估


adult andchildren's version成人和兒童版本= formats for adults and children成人和兒童形式

areobtained through獲得于= is now based on基于

not bereliable不可靠= may not assess評(píng)估不了

vulnerableto易受傷害于= lost the parachute丟掉了安全傘

lesssecured payments=depending on investment return

large newdose of investment risk新的數(shù)量的投資風(fēng)險(xiǎn)=

increasethe families' investment risk增加投資風(fēng)險(xiǎn)

politicalfallout may not be far政治波及影響不遠(yuǎn)了=

may bringabout political problems帶來政治問題

on theCliff岌岌可危= reduce to poor重變窮狗

datainsecurity數(shù)據(jù)不安全= data leakage數(shù)據(jù)泄露

weakpoint弱點(diǎn)=potential vulnerabilities潛在的易受傷性

go astray丟失了=leakage泄露

regulatorswill act管理者要行動(dòng)= legal penalty法律懲罰

come as asurprise我的天哪!= fail to see不能理解

Themystery is我的天吶!= what puzzles百思不得其解..

