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新東方在線 托福(Toefl)培訓


發(fā)布時間: 2017年08月17日








Paragraph 4: The astrolabe had long been the primary instrument for navigation, having been introduced in the eleventh century. It operated by measuring the height of the Sun and the fixed stars: by calculating the angles created by these points, it determined the degree of latitude at which one stood (The problem of determining longitude, though, was not solved until the eighteenth century.) By the early thirteenth century. Western Europeans had also developed and put into use the magnetic compass, which helped when clouds obliterated both the Sun and the stars. Also beginning in the thirteenth century, there were new maps refined by precise calculations and the reports of sailors that made it possible to trace one's path with reasonable accuracy. Certain institutional and practical norms had become established as well. A maritime code known as the Consulate of the Sea, which originated in the western Mediterranean region in the fourteenth century, won acceptance by a majority of sea goers as the normative code for maritime conduct; it defined such matters as the authority of a ship's officers, protocols of command, pay structures, the rights of sailors, and the rules of engagement when ships met one another on the sea-lanes. Thus by about 1400 the key elements were in place to enable Europe to begin its seaward adventure.

According to paragraph 4, which of the following is true of the maritime code developed in Europe in the fourteenth century?

○It mapped out lanes in the seas for trading ships to follow.

○It defined the ways in which people should behave at sea.

○It replaced an earlier code that could not be adapted to the sea trade with the East.

○It gave instructions on how to navigate a ship.

解析:根據關鍵詞“maritime code”定位到段落倒數第二句話“A maritime code known as the Consulate of the Sea, which originated in the western Mediterranean region in the fourteenth century, won acceptance by a majority of sea goers as the normative code for maritime conduct”這個句群說明了maritime code的作用,題干中只提到了概念maritime code,正確選項B中則是原句maritime conduct的同義改寫the ways in which people should behave at sea。




