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新東方在線 托福(Toefl)培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2017年08月03日

2017年托??荚囌Z(yǔ)法選擇題模擬練習(xí) 答案


2017年托福考試語(yǔ)法選擇題模擬練習(xí) 答案。為了讓同學(xué)們更加熟悉語(yǔ)法知識(shí),小編為同學(xué)們介紹關(guān)于語(yǔ)法知識(shí)的選擇題模擬練習(xí),希望同學(xué)們能夠認(rèn)真去做,找到做題的技巧。下面就一起來(lái)看看這些選擇題。

1. An underlying assumption of most market research is that people are continually ____ financial decisions based on their desire for goods that give them the most satisfaction.

(A) making

(B) and make

(C) being made

(D) having made

2. ____ tempera paint, the artist mixes dry pigments with water until the mixture resembles a stiff paste.

(A) In preparation

(B) The preparing of

(C) To prepare

(D) Prepared

3. When two straight lines meet, ____ an angle.

(A) it is formed

(B) formed

(C) they form

(D) to form

4. Madge Macklin promoted the expansion of medical training include genetics ____ supported the founding of genetics departments in North American medical schools.

(A) nor

(B) and

(C) while

(D) if

5. ____ mammals have hair at some time in their lives, though in certain whales it is present only before birth.

(A) Most

(B) The most

(C) Most of which

(D) In most of the

6. The digestive enzyme pepsin breaks down proteins into components ____ readily absorbed by the human body.

(A) that can be

(B) and are

(C) which they

(D) are to be

7. ____ the precise qualities of the hero in literary works may vary over time, the basic exemplary function of the hero seems to remain constant.

(A) Whatever

(B) Even though

(C) In spite of

(D) Regardless

8. Not until the dedication of Yellowstone Park in the late nineteenth century ____ a national park.

(A) the United States had

(B) did the United States have

(C) when the United States had

(D) the United States having

9. Daniel Ken Inouye, Hawaiis first Cong ressman, was elected to the United States Senate in 1963, where ____ known for his unbiased views on civil issues.

(A) being

(B) it is he

(C) he became

(D) having become

10. Because caricature tends to emphasize the peculiarities of a subject, ____ an effective vehicle for pictorial satire.

(A) which is often

(B) and often seen as

(C) it is often

(D) many of which are

11. In the nineteenth century, Samuel Gridley Howe founded the Perkins School for the Blind, ____ for children in Boston, Massachusetts.

(A) that institutes

(B) while instituted

(C) was an institution

(D) an institute

12. Early forms of life on Earth, ____ in the absence of oxygen, required elements such as sulfur instead.

(A) which lived

(B) whose life

(C) lived

(D) were living

13. People in prehistoric times created paints by grinding materials such as plants and clay into powder ____ .

(A) water to be added

(B) for adding water then

(C) and water added

(D) and then adding water

14.Often very annoying weeds, ____ and act as hosts to many insect pests.

(A) that crowd out less hardy plants than goldenrods

(B) crowding out less hardy plants by goldenrods

(C) the goldenrods crowding out of less hardy plants

(D) goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants

15. Starting around 7000 B.C., and for the next four thousand years, much of the Northern Hemisphere ____ temperatures warmer than at present.

(A) with experience of

(B) experienced

(C) experiencing

(D) experience


1-5: ACCBA

6-10: ABBCC





