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新東方在線 托福(Toefl)培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時間: 2017年07月03日





1.通讀一遍托福綜合寫作閱讀部分——寫出文章的論點 支持論點的3個(一般是三個)分論點





Online education is a growing sector of the education market focused on providing classes via the Internet. Students can take courses from the comfort of their home and receive an online degree at the end of the program. But not every company is willing to hire those with online degrees.

Perhaps the most significant reason why employers are hesitant to hire candidates with online degrees is that the quality of online education is hard to ensure. There are many schools and organizations that offer online courses but not all of them are fully accredited or trustworthy. The courses they offer and their curriculum may vary widely from traditional schools.

There are also concerns about what online education cannot offer. For example, learning through a computer may hinder a student's social skills and ability to communicate effectively because there are fewer opportunities to interact with real people. When students then enter the workforce, they may find it difficult to adjust to a more social environment.

Online education also encourages cheating because the students are not closely monitored by the teacher. Students may have other people write their papers and use notes and books while taking a test. In traditional schools teachers can engage with their students and know their students well but online the teacher can only know if this student turned in his or her homework.


觀點:But not every company is willing to hire those with online degrees.蕪湖托福培訓(xùn),請關(guān)注環(huán)球托福。


論點1:Perhaps the most significant reason why employers are hesitant to hire candidates with online degrees is that the quality of online education is hard to ensure.線上教育下很難保證線上教育的質(zhì)量。

論點2:There are also concerns about what online education cannot offer.線上教育可能提供的教育不夠全面。

論點3:Online education also encourages cheating because the students are not closely monitored by the teacher.因為學(xué)生沒有老師的監(jiān)督,因此可能會出現(xiàn)作弊行為。


Taking courses online has become a popular choice for adults who are already working and cannot take the time off to enroll in a traditional university. Though this practice is just emerging, it is becoming more and more accepted. In fact, most companies do not understand the advantages of degrees obtained online.

The quality of online education is not vastly different from that of traditional universities. Many online colleges are fully accredited and offer the same courses as traditional schools. In fact, online curricula could be even more up-to-date because there is no need for printed textbooks. The information can be posted online and revised frequently.

Those who learn online do not lack communication skills. In fact, many courses require the students to discuss their Ideas online with their teachers and classmates. They can even use video and voice software to communicate with their teachers. International companies use these same technologies to communicate with faraway branches, so actually people who study online have an advantage because they are more familiar with technology used in the workplace.

Cheating is actually harder to do online because teachers use software to compare homework electronically and can find out whether students have copied or plagiarized other sources. All of the homework is digital, not handwritten, and can be compared easily. The students know that their teachers will enforce these rules and thus are less likely to cheat.


聽力要點:Most companies do not understand the advantages of degrees obtained online.公司不愿意錄用是因為不了解線上教育,和閱讀部分不一樣。

論點1:The quality of online education is not vastly different from that of traditional universities.線上教育的質(zhì)量和傳統(tǒng)的學(xué)校教育沒有大的差別。

論點2: Those who learn online do not lack communication skills.線上學(xué)習(xí)并不缺乏溝通,學(xué)生可以和老師討論。

論點3:Cheating is actually harder to do online because teachers use software to compare homework electronically and can find out whether students have copied or plagiarized other sources.線上教育體系下,作弊會很難,因為老師可以利用軟件檢查學(xué)生作業(yè)的原創(chuàng)度。





