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新東方在線 雅思(IELTS)培訓


發(fā)布時間: 2017年06月19日

雅思聽力配對題實例解析 - 雅思聽力




范例分析: 選項多余空的配對題,題目是對于theatre的變化部分進行描述,然后將每一個部分的具體變化進行匹配

范例原文: Lynne: The first thing people will see when they go in is the foyerhas been repainted in the original green and gold. Then the box office has beenreoriented with its own access from the side of the building instead of throughthe foyer, which means it can be open longer hours, and has more space, too.

范例分析: foyer在題干中沒有給出,屬干擾;這里的then是非常好的遞進關(guān)系承接詞,提醒注意box office的出現(xiàn)。接下來,the boxoffice has been reoriented with its own access from the side of thebuilding中,reoriented, its own access和B選項given separate entrance相對應

{溫馨提示}: foyer大廳


with its own access有自己的入口

范例原文: The shop is the one part of the redevelopment which isn’t yetcomplete. We hope to reopen the shop in the next few months.

范例分析: 在定位詞shop出現(xiàn)后,isn’t yet complete、 to reopen the shop in the next fewmonths均能夠幫助確定答案G選項 temporarily closed

范例原文: Man: Will audiences find any difference in the auditorium?

Lynne: Yes, we’ve increased the leg-room between the rows. This means thatthere are now fewer seats.

范例分析: 當男的問到auditorium時,若知道是觀眾席的意思,則知道定位到13題,隨后fewer seats較容易就能對應上C選項reducedin number

范例原文: We have already had a few seats which were suitable for wheelchairusers, and now there are twice as many.

范例分析: We have already had a few seats which were suitable for wheelchairusers這一句又是非常明顯的,容易定位到14題,now there are twice as many對應上doubled in number選項A

范例原文: Something else that will benefit audiences is the new lifts. The twowe used to have were very small and slow. They’ve now gone. And we’ve got muchmore efficient ones.

范例分析: 講到lift時,They’ve now gone 可以判斷對應E選項replaced,當然,The two we used to havewere……we’ve got much more efficient ones也是可以幫助推斷的



