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新東方在線 英語四級培訓(xùn)



發(fā)布時間: 2017年05月18日




1. This is the unorthodox view of a German soil scientist who has shown that burnt clearings in the Amazon, dating back more than 1,000 years, helped create patches of rich, fertile soil that farmers still benefit from today.(2005. 閱讀. 6. Text 1)
【析句】復(fù)合句。主句This is the unorthodox view of a German soil scientist, who has shown...作定語從句修飾a German soil scientist, shown后有that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句burnt clearings helped create patches...soil。賓語從句中,dating back more than...years是現(xiàn)在分詞作主語burning clearings的定語,最后soil后有that引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾。

2. The findings add weight to the theory that large areas of the Amazon have recovered so well from past periods of agricultural use that the regrowth has been mistaken by generations of biologists for “virgin” forest. (2005. 閱讀. 6. Text 1)
【析句】復(fù)合句。主句是The findings add weight to the theory,the theory后that引導(dǎo)同位語從句表明the theory的具體內(nèi)容。同位語從句的主干是large areas of the Amazon have recovered so well that..., 用到了so...that短語,其中,that引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句。

3. Glaser has shown that most of this fertile organic matter comes from “black carbon”-the organic particles from camp fires and charred wood left over from thousands of years of slash-and-burn farming. (2005. 閱讀. 6. Text 1)
【析句】主句Glaser has shown that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。賓語從句的主干是most of this fertile organic matter comes from black carbon, 破折號后,the organic particles作black carbon的同位語。這里的同位語后沒有定語從句,而且用了介詞短語from camp fires and charred wood作定語修飾,而camp fires and charred wood后又有過去分詞left over...作定語修飾.

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