當前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 新東方在線> 托福TPO19口語Task1參考答案
新東方在線 托福(Toefl)培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時間: 2017年05月04日



本文為TPO口語參考答案及題目。新東方在線托福網(wǎng)整理TPO19口語Task1題目、TPO19口語Task1參考答案、TPO19口語Task1范文模板、TPO19口語Task1答案解析。更多TPO口語題目及參考答案(獨立口語 綜合口語)盡在新東方在線托??荚囶l道!


Talk about a skill or ability that you consider as especially important for a student to have. Use details and examples to explain your answer.


A skill or ability that I consider specially( especially ) important for a student is the ability to be more inquisitive ( interested in a lot of different things and want to find out more about them ). Students have to be inquisitive because first of all students have to be able to ask their teachers a lot of questions to do with what they are learning and if a student is not inquisitive, then they just don’t ask the teacher any questions and so in the end they don’t learn as much as they should. Also if a student is inquisitive, then things like research and finding out more discoveries about what they are studying will be difficult for them to do. Students have to go to libraries for example or search on the internet and if a student is not inquisitive then it will be more difficult for them to do so I believe a student should really be more inquisitive.




