當(dāng)前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 新東方在線> 2016托??谡Z模板及參考范文:藝術(shù)和科學(xué)選課
新東方在線 托福(Toefl)培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年11月16日


新東方托福網(wǎng)絡(luò)課程免費(fèi)試聽 考試吧整理“2016托福口語模板及參考范文:成為藝術(shù)家需要天賦”,更多關(guān)于托??谡Z模板、托??谡Z參考范文。


Which class would you join for fun? Art class or science class.Please give your reasons with details.


Personally, I believe that science class is a better choice for me because I'm just the one who has no passion for anything about art. Most of the time, when others are appreciating a great work of art, I will just count when the class will end. Sometimes, I may even have to drink a lot of coffee before the class to prevent myself from falling asleep during the class. By contrast, in the science class, it is so interesting that I hardly feel bored. The mysterious black hole, the magical universal gravitation, and the undiscovered asteroid, all of these can spark my interest and I am overwhelmed by tons of the secrets of the cosmos.


Personally, I believe that science class is a better choice for me instead of [than] art class because I am the one who likes doesn’t like/ has no passion for things of art. Inthis way, Most of the time, when the others are appreciating a great aunt art work, I will just count how long will the class end the class will last/ when the class will end. Sometimes, I even may/ may even have to take some measures to prevent myself from falling sleep asleep when/ while my classmates are immersed in a passionate work of music art.

However, in the science class, it is so interesting that I can hardly be distracted by the surroundings. The mysterious black hole, the magical universal gravitation, and the undiscoverted undiscovered asteroid, all of these got my attention arouse/ spark my interest/ arouse/ spark/ awaken/ pique my curiosity. And I was overwhelmed by tons of secrets of the cosmos.


請不要把than和rather than相混淆。形容詞比較級后邊要接的是than,表示“做比較”,如果是rather than = instead of,意思是“而不是”。故可以說:I think A is better than B. 或 I would choose A rather than B. 但是不能串了,I think A is better rather than B.

口誤可不行哦!既然觀點(diǎn)是:選the science class,那必然是對藝術(shù)的事情都不感興趣咯,所以,這里應(yīng)該是一個(gè)口誤(比較嚴(yán)重哦,障礙到了對方的理解)

In this way, 的意思是“依照這種方式,”但是,在這里沒有什么方式,所以改成了Most of the time,意思是“大多數(shù)時(shí)候,”表明這是一種常態(tài)

In this way的正確用法示范:I highly recommend that you should join YEEAOO's 晨讀團(tuán) because in this way, you can not only improve your English, but also make a lot of new friends.

PS: 所以你看,這就是為什么can的否定式,必須寫成can't或者cannot(連在一起),因?yàn)榭崭裰笸耆遣灰粯拥囊馑寂?這里不是can的否定式cannot(不能夠),而是:can not only(不只是能夠)!!!

the others這種說法是錯(cuò)誤的,如果是the那就是:the other,表示是2者中的另一個(gè)(one 和 the other);要么就直接others,很多個(gè)里邊的其他幾個(gè)

How long后邊是引導(dǎo)的如果是一個(gè)簡單句的問句, 則will需提前

但如果how long一道的是整個(gè)句子的賓語, 那就用正常語序

這里的take some measures to prevent myself from falling asleep:

A. take some measures的說法不夠具體:請問,究竟是采取什么樣的措施呢?建議改為說某種具體的措施:比如,課前喝超多咖啡,課前用涼水洗臉,上課的時(shí)候把老師的臉想象成自己的idol等等~

B. fall asleep(形容詞,作表語,表示“睡著了”的狀態(tài))

when/ while my classmates are immersed in a passionate work of music art. 為了確保主謂一致,把classmate改成了classmates(后邊是are)同時(shí),因?yàn)閍rt class實(shí)際上指的是“美術(shù)課”,所以不建議說a work of music。PS: work在當(dāng)“作品”講的時(shí)候,是可數(shù)名詞哦~所以,這里加a是正確噠~

However, in the science class, it is so interesting that I can hardly be distracted by the surroundings.

A. However, 表示“轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系”,但是,這里是表示“對比關(guān)系”,建議改為“By contrast/ In contrast,”

B. 上文說的是:美術(shù)課會讓我覺得很想睡覺,很想下課——就是無聊嘛。那么,下面對比的時(shí)候,應(yīng)該是說:科學(xué)課讓我覺得不無聊??墒莄an hardly be distracted by the surroundings的意思卻是讓我不分心/注意力更集中。建議改為:hardly feel bored


Personally, I believe that science class is a better choice for me because I'm just the one who has no passion for anything about art. Most of the time, when others are appreciating a great work of art, I will just count when the class will end. Sometimes, I may even have to drink a lot of coffee before the class to prevent myself from falling asleep during the class.

By contrast, in the science class, it is so interesting that I hardly feel bored. The mysterious black hole, the magical universal gravitation, and the undiscovered asteroid, all of these can spark my interest and I am overwhelmed by tons of the secrets of the cosmos.



請大家注意:口語答案要求我們提供【details/ examples 一定要在答案中體現(xiàn)細(xì)節(jié)和例子】!stellast同學(xué)在這一點(diǎn)上,為我們做出了相當(dāng)棒的示范!她在描述science class的有趣時(shí),引入了非常多的細(xì)節(jié),在充分論證的同時(shí)還展示了自己所掌握的豐富詞匯,可謂一箭雙雕!希望大家都可以向她學(xué)習(xí)哦!



1. fun 不要發(fā)成“放”!

2. art 不要發(fā)成aunt, 要發(fā)出r的音哦!

3. science 不要發(fā)成"散s",應(yīng)該是/'sa??ns/!

類似的:surroundings /s?'ra?nd??/ 也不要忘記發(fā)n

4. passion /'p??(?)n/不要發(fā)成pension/'pen?(?)n/ 主要就是注意元音的發(fā)音,是/?/不是/e/5. passionate 同理/'p??(?)n?t/,一定要注意兩個(gè)a的發(fā)音哦!

6. mysterious 不要忘記濁化s之后的t

類似的:station, stand, stunned; street, stranger, stress

7. curiosity 這個(gè)詞有好幾個(gè)音節(jié),不要吞音哈~因?yàn)楸容^難發(fā)音,所以范本答案中,我們改成了interest~

8. overwhelmed over的v請不要忘記輕咬下唇~


1. 【have passion for sth.】對某事懷有激情

2. 【Most of the time,】大多數(shù)時(shí)候(大多數(shù)人 = most people, a majority of people,如果說most of the people意思是“我們中的大多數(shù)”,而且,后邊要加定語來修飾限制people)

E.g. Most of the people who are reading this article have already been a member of YEEAOO's 晨讀團(tuán). 【Sigh..... 所以說,才想求轉(zhuǎn),給更多人看到哇!】

3. 【appreciate a work of art】 欣賞一件藝術(shù)作品

4. 【prevent sb. from doing sth.】阻止某人做某事

5. 【fall asleep】睡著

6. 【during the class】 在課上 還可以說in a/the class

7. 【hardly feel bored】從不感到無聊 (hardly 相當(dāng)于一個(gè)否定詞)

8. 【mysterious black hole, the magical universal gravitation, and the undiscovered asteroid】神秘的黑洞,神奇的萬有引力和尚未被發(fā)現(xiàn)的小行星

9. 【arouse/ spark my interest; arouse/ spark/ awaken/ pique my curiosity】 激發(fā)我的興趣/好奇心

10.【be overwhelmed by sth.】使某人感到非常驚訝




