當(dāng)前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 新東方在線> 2016年新托福聽(tīng)力考試疑難詞組集合(9)
新東方在線 托福(Toefl)培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年08月11日



1, turn down ——使減少音量高度或力度

-Look, I am sorry to bother you about this, but could you turn that music down

Sorry, I didn't realize you could hear it

-I have trouble concentrating when my roommate plays loud music

Why don't you just ask him to turn down the volume herry?


-He was approached by three companies with job offers, but he turns them all down

-I heard John was turned down for the graduate fellowship, she must be upset

She was that, but you know John, she got over it pretty quickly

-Did you hear that Michel turn down that job

Yeah the hours were convinient convenient but she would have been able to make ends meet

2,tune in ——調(diào)頻道,收聽(tīng)收看

-Thank you for tuning in today

3, try out for ——為了什么參加競(jìng)爭(zhēng)

-Did you get the part you tried out for in the play?

That role was given to someone else, but I got the better part

4,turn in——交給某人,遞給某人

-Gerry ,did you turn in your locker(有鎖的儲(chǔ)物柜或有鎖的其他東西) key

No I got Sam to do it

-Now that I finally turned in my thesis, I plan to take it easy for a while

5 turn off ——關(guān)掉

-I turn off the lights all ready for bed

-I missed the bus again today, because I turned the alarm clock off in my sleep, I don't know what to do

Try putting it far enough away from your bed then you'll have to get up to turn it off

6,turn one's back on ——不愿幫助

-He’ll turn his back on me if I ask for money

7,turn out ——結(jié)果是,發(fā)現(xiàn)是

-This course wasn't supposed to be hard

But it sure turned out to be, didn’t it

8,under the whether ——身體不適

-It’s good to see you Mary, how have you been

Actually, I have been feeling under the whether recently

9,under warrenty ——在保修期內(nèi)

-Is this radio still under warrenty warranty?

It should be, I bought it only six weeks ago

10,up to——該由什么決定, 視為什么責(zé)任

-Do you think we should urge Bob to study Spanish?

We’ll have to leave that decision up to him

-Should we call Marcia and tell her about the meeting

I am not sure; it’s up to you


-I am afraid that Alan is not up to such a difficult task

11,up to one's neck ——非常繁忙

-Come swimming with me

Sorry, but I am up to my neck in work

12,upside down ——上下顛倒

-This calculator isn't working right

I think you've got the battery in upside down

13,wait until the last minute ——等到最后一刻

-I can't remember the due day for a final paper

I think it is the last day of class, but professor Murdock said not to wait until last minute to hand it in

14,warm up——熱身活動(dòng)或練習(xí)

-Are you ready to go jogging?

Almost, I have to warm up first




