當(dāng)前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 新東方在線> 2016年新托福聽力考試疑難詞組集合(3)
新東方在線 托福(Toefl)培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年08月11日


新東方托福網(wǎng)絡(luò)課程免費(fèi)試聽 祝大家取得好成績!

40,it's who you know that counts——認(rèn)識的人起作用

-Did you hear that Greg got a job in his uncle's law office?

Like they say, it's who you know that counts

41,is ice cold ——理所當(dāng)然

-Does Professor Ford always come to class?

Is ice cold?

42,It never fails——總是發(fā)生

-It never fails; plan a big picnic and it sure to rain

-It never fails it's raining hard outside and I am stark stuck 來自 stick 阻延或推遲 Without an umbrella (困在里面)

I'd like to let you have mine, but I have to go out soon

43,inside out ——里朝外

-Here I am, I am lucky I made it to the exam on time

I can see you are in a hurry; you are wearing your sweater inside out

44,keep an eye——留意

-One of the members of the dormitory counselor is quitting, do you know of anyone who would be interested in and taking her place?

I am not sure, but I'll certainly keep an eye on for you

45,keep from——抑制,防止

-No one could keep him from speaking

46,keep track of——掌握..的線索,注意動向,通曉世態(tài)

-You certainly have a lot clocks there seems to be one in every room

My family gives them to me because I have trouble keeping track of the time

47,knock oneself out ——使自己筋疲力盡

-Gorier has been knocking herself out on that project

48,last ——最不情愿的

-The last person I want to see is Jeff

-Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?

That's the last thing in the world I ever want to do

-I thought Paul might be able to help me figure out this computer program

Paul is about the last person I'd ask if I were you

49,lay off ——臨時(shí)解雇,暫時(shí)辭退

-I got some bad news today

The store where I work is laying off staff

Are they going to let you go?

50,leave much to be desired——不令人滿意,有待改善

-Well dietitians(營養(yǎng)學(xué)家) work hard to offer students nutritious and well-balanced diet

Many of our young men and women claimed that brandy Bramley food like most dorm food leaves

Much to be desired

51,light up ——突然快活,高興起來

-Those flowers light up the whole room

52,like apples and oranges ——用來表示無法相比的事物

-Which game do you think is more difficult to learn, chess or bridge

They are like apples and oranges

53,look for a needle in a hay stack——大海撈針

-We are supposed to meet John here at the train station

That's like looking for a needle in a hay stack (干草堆)

54,live by oneself——獨(dú)自一人生活

-Mary said she wanted to live by herself

55,line up ——準(zhǔn)備停當(dāng),計(jì)劃安排

-I have this great job lined up to manage the closing door clothing store at them all at the mall.——排列起來,排成隊(duì)

-Look at all those cars lined up for the ferry (等待擺渡); There must be forty ahead of us

Yeah, I think it's going to be a while

56,look forward to——盼望,期待

-I am really looking forward to the picnic tomorrow

If we are lucky we'll have some sun this year for a change

57,look up to ——把某人當(dāng)作好榜樣模仿 , 尊重,尊敬

-Dianna looks up to her teacher

-I hear your older sister is on the Olympic team and on the honor's list; she must be quite a person

She sure is, I've always looked up to her

58,look over ——檢查,查看

-The professor asked us to look over our papers for mistakes

59,look into ——調(diào)查,審查,研究

-Martin is looking into the possibility of getting alone getting a loan(貸款)




