當(dāng)前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 新東方在線(xiàn)> 2016年托福考試聽(tīng)力疑難詞組(2)
新東方在線(xiàn) 托福(Toefl)培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年08月03日



21,hold down——?jiǎng)偃?保有(一份工作)

-Holding down a job, going to class, studying sometimes can become too much for one person

Take it easy

22,hardly ever ——幾乎從來(lái)沒(méi)有

-Do you ever get as much as a foot of snow here? 這下過(guò)一英尺的雪嗎

Hardly ever

-We hardly ever see them here

23,have a way with——有天賦,能夠領(lǐng)導(dǎo),說(shuō)服或影響

-Bonnie really has a way with waltz words Bonnie真會(huì)說(shuō)話(huà)

24,have one eye on——看著,想著

-The lecture this morning was so boring

I'll say, I had one eye on the clock the whole time

25,have one's hands full——非常繁忙

-Can you take over for me here I have a client coming to see you

Well, I can't I'm kind of(有點(diǎn),相當(dāng)于sort of ) have my hands full

26,head and shoulders above——在某方面強(qiáng)于某人

-In computer Porcine? Is head and shoulders above the rest of us

27,help oneself——自取所需

-George helped himself to another piece of pie

28,help sb with sth ——幫助某人做某事

-I don't imagine that you would have time to help me this

As it happens, I would

29,hang up ——掛斷電話(huà)

-Did you get cut off?

No they are asking to hang up and try again later

30,hold on ——等一等,停一下

-If I don't find my wallet pretty soon, I am going to have to report it stolen

Hold on, before you call campus security office, have you checked your car or your jacket pocket everywhere

31,hold up——阻礙,中斷,耽擱

-Have the parts we need for the copier復(fù)印機(jī) arrived yet

I ordered them last week, but something's holding them up

-It's already ten o'clock; I guess Bob and Amy won't be coming to the party

They called at nine to say that they'd been held up

-I am really sorry my article didn't make the deadline

I guess that held up everything, ah

Well, not exactly, but I wouldn't look for期待 it in this month's newsletter——支撐,承受,負(fù)擔(dān)

-I really like your luggage

It looks nice but it hasn't held up well

32,if only——要是 .....就好了

-If only this rain would stop

-If only you'd told me sooner

-If I only saved more money

-If only he'd drive more slowly

-If only I paid attention in class

33,in a little while——不久,立刻

-I'll have this finished in a little while

34,in charge ——負(fù)責(zé),掌管

-Did he put anyone in charge of fund raising?

-I was in charge of grading all the problems sets the words that were assigned as homework

35,in good shape ——狀態(tài)良好

-Before we play again, I am going to buy a good tennis racket

Your shoes aren't in very good shape either

36,in no time——立即,不久

-He shall be here in no time at all

37,in the red ——赤字,負(fù)債

-So far the club is about three hundred dollars in the red, and we still have four month to go before membership renewal交會(huì)費(fèi)

Well, we may have to raise our dues 提高會(huì)員費(fèi) dues(應(yīng)付款) due(應(yīng)得物,)

38,in the dark——一無(wú)所知

-Do you have any idea what this notice is about?

I am as in the dark as you are

39,in spite of ——盡管

-In spite of himself, he couldn't stop eating




