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新東方在線 英語四級(jí)培訓(xùn)



發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年08月01日




第十三部分:Dialogues /monologues:

1 Are you being attended to, Miss?

翻譯為:小姐,有人在為您服務(wù)嗎?在商場(chǎng),飯店中,to attend to sb.的意思是,招呼,照顧,協(xié)助某位顧客。

這句話用主動(dòng)語氣可以說成:Is anybody attending to you, Miss?

2 You may divide cyber retailers into three subsets and attack each with a different strategy.


注意的詞語:divide into:分成


Buying computer and software

At first, I was reluctant to buy computer products completely online. Many of the online computer stores used to sell exclusively through printed catalogs, addressing the technically astute. I found those printed catalogs intimidating and confusing. And preferred to go to a physical store, where knowledgeable sales people could guide me through the maze of choices, explaining the benefits and risks and costs.

When egghead, the prominent software retailer, closed its physical stores and decided to operate solely online, I was shocked and disappointed, as I had shopped hardware or software regularly at the local egghead store and depended on expertise, judgment and advice from their sales people. Also, I greatly valued the fact that when I brought new add-ons or upgrades for my PC, I could pay to have them installed on the spot. But now I was forced to learn more about computers than I ever expected to learn. As it turns out, that's probably a good thing for me and for my budget.

Today, the computer industry is a commodity, standards-driven marketplace. Computer "manufactures" are really just assembles. They buy processors from one, software, disks, memories, from other sources, and assemble them into systems. The competition is fierce and the profit margins are slim. In terms of the basic specs—speed, memory, and storage—what we now define as a "complete system" for home use would have made a wealthy technical guru tremble with jealousy ten years ago.

Fifteen years ago, is seemed inconceivable that an ordinary individual would ever need a 100 MHZ machine with 1 gigabyte of disk storage space. Yet, with the predictable improvement of technology, the speed of commercially available processors doubles about every 18 months according to a rule of thumb (known as "Moore's law"). While at some point, technology must meet barriers that will slow the pace of change, the computer industry has been adapting at this incredibly rapid rate for more than two decades now, with great regularity. And the software industry has been keeping in lock step with these hardware developments by making each new version of the common applications that people depend upon more and more complex and bulky, requesting the full capacity of the latest and greatest hardware. I believe this software inflation results from the consequences of human nature—software expands to fill the capacity available for it.

Basically, "Moore's law" plus software inflation mean today’s computer system will not last. And the new versions of software will make your equipment painfully slow in two years, and obsolete in four. To stay compatible with other people with whom you have to share files, you should invest time learning about these add-ons gadgets, etc. to upgrade your system. Thus you can make full use of the shopping resources on the Internet, and save again and again.



剛開始的時(shí)候,我不太情愿完全依靠網(wǎng)絡(luò)購買電腦產(chǎn)品。許多網(wǎng)上電腦商店過去主要靠打出來的產(chǎn)品目錄進(jìn)行銷售,上面清楚地寫明了技術(shù)需求。但是我總認(rèn) 為那樣的產(chǎn)品目錄看起來讓人感覺有些發(fā)怵而且稀里糊涂的,所以我還是偏愛實(shí)體商店,因?yàn)槟抢镉芯I(yè)務(wù)的銷售人員,他們能指引我走出迷宮做出選擇,他們還能向我解釋產(chǎn)品的優(yōu)點(diǎn),風(fēng)險(xiǎn)性和成本。


今天,計(jì)算機(jī)產(chǎn)業(yè)是一種商品,是一個(gè)以標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為市場(chǎng)導(dǎo)向的市場(chǎng)。計(jì)算機(jī)“制造者”們實(shí)際上只不過是組裝者。他們從某個(gè)渠道購買處理器,從其它渠道購買 軟件,光盤和內(nèi)存,然后將它們組裝成系統(tǒng)。競爭是激烈的,利潤空間也不大。從最基本的配置——速度,內(nèi)存和硬盤空間——來講,我們現(xiàn)在所定義的家用“全套 系統(tǒng)”足以讓十年前富有的技術(shù)專業(yè)羨慕地發(fā)顫不可。


從根本上來講,“摩爾”定律加上軟件膨脹就意味著當(dāng)今的計(jì)算機(jī)系統(tǒng)不會(huì)維持長久。更新的軟件版本會(huì)在兩年內(nèi)使你的裝備顯得速度極慢,四年以后就該淘汰了。為了與和你共享文件的其他人步調(diào)保持一致,你需要花些時(shí)間了解這些附加軟件,小工具等,以便將你的計(jì)算機(jī)系統(tǒng)升級(jí)。因此,你可以充分利用網(wǎng)上購物資 源,一遍又一遍地反復(fù)保存更新軟件和工具。




