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高三英語教案 Angkor wat


高三英語教案 Angkor wat



1 )firm, go ( link v. ) , turn( link v. )

2)stop sb. doing sth. ,put up, keep off ,masses of, as it is ,at war, fall to pieces, take on, in a state, deal with, carry out, desert,spread,besides 和except 的區(qū)別,nowhere, search, drill, smooth, keep off, a mass of , fall to pieces, watch over, lay down ,once in a while

3)have sth. to do. . . ,To make things worse, . . .





1) Revise the verb tenses:

a)The present indefinite tense

b)The present contiouous tense

c)The present perfect tense

d)The past indefinite tense

2)The passive voice


Learn to give advice and make suggestions and replies

We’ll have to … We should finish the floor now.

I think we should paint it white. Is it necessary to….?

We must stop people walking on this floor until it’s firm. I ought to do some studying.





1. 一般現(xiàn)在時


We always care for each other and help each other. 我們總是互相關(guān)心互相幫助。

(2) 現(xiàn)在的特征或狀態(tài)

He majors in English. 他是英語專業(yè)的學(xué)生。

(3) 普遍真理

Light travels faster than sound.光比聲速度快。

(4) 按規(guī)定、計劃、安排將要發(fā)生的動作。(一般有將來的時間狀語)

The plane takes off at 11 a.m. 飛機上午十一點起飛。

(5) 電影說明,動作解說,劇情介紹,新聞標題或小說章節(jié)題目,圖片說明。

He sits down, shivers a little, Clock outside strikes twelve.




Where are they having the basketball match? 他們在哪里賽籃球?

(2)最近按計劃或安排要進行的動作,但這僅限于少量動詞,如:go, come,  leave, start, arrive, return 等。

We are leaving on Friday. 我們星期五動身。

(3) 代替一般現(xiàn)在時,表示經(jīng)常性動作和狀態(tài),這時是為了表示說話人的一種感情。如贊嘆,厭煩,等。

He is always thinking of others. 他總是想著別人(贊許)。

He is constantly leaving things about. 他老是把東西亂扔。(不滿)。

He is always boasting. 他老愛說大話。(厭煩)
3. 現(xiàn)在完成時

(1) 到現(xiàn)在為止的這一時期中發(fā)生的情況(可能是多次動作的總和,也可表示狀態(tài)和習(xí)慣性的動作)

How many pages have you covered today? 你今天看了多少頁?

She has been ill for three days. 她病了三天。


The delegation has already left. 代表團已經(jīng)走了。(說明現(xiàn)在不在這里)

Look what you've done. 瞧你干的事。

4. 一般過去時


I wasn't in last night. 昨天晚上我不在家。


What was the final score? 最后的比分怎樣?


Lei Feng often helped others. 雷鋒經(jīng)常幫助別人。


1. (1999NMET) —Hey, Look where you are going!

—Oh, I’m terribly sorry. ________.

A. I’m not noticing B. I wasn't noticing

C. I haven't noticed D. I don't notice


2. ( 1997NMET) —Who is Jerry Cooper?

—________? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.

A. Don't you meet him yet B. Hadn't you met him yet

C. Didn't you meet him yet D. Haven't you met him yet

分析:從對話中可知甲還沒認出Jerry Cooper是誰,且yet常用于完成式的疑問句或否定句中表示“還沒有”或“也”等,故選D。

3.(2000NMET春)All the preparations for the task ________, and we're ready to start.

A. completed       B. complete

C. had been completed  D. have been completed

分析: all the preparations 與complete之間是被動結(jié)構(gòu),故可排除A和B。又因下文are ready to start, 說明complete這一動作對“現(xiàn)在造成影響”,故用現(xiàn)在完成時。答案為D。

lively,lovely,living,live, alive

(l)lively adj.“活潑的,生動的,栩栩如生的”,可作表語、定語和賓補,既可指人,也可指物。如:

I feel that everything here,is lively.我覺得這兒的一切都富有生氣。

(2)lovely adj.可愛的;秀美動人的。如:

It was lovely to hear from you again.收到你的來信真讓人高興!

(3)live v.生活,adj.活的,實況轉(zhuǎn)播的(常作某物的定語),life是live名詞形式。

We’re living a happy life. 我們過著幸福的生活。


If she is alive,she is the happiest woman alive.她若活著,她是世界上最幸福的人。


the greatest living painter還活在人間的最偉大的畫家/There’re no living things on the moon.月球上沒有生物

2.link,join, unite

(1)link聯(lián)接;聯(lián)系(指不同事物間的聯(lián)系)。常用be linked with與……有聯(lián)系

The interest of his is linked with that of the country.他的利益同國家的利益聯(lián)系在一起。

(2)join連接(是指把分離的兩者連接在一起)。常用join up接好, join…to把……與……相聯(lián)接。如:Please join the wries up.請把電線接好。


Let’s unite against the common enemy.讓我們團結(jié)起來反對共同的敵人。

3.look into, look in

(1)look into向……里面看去;窺視;調(diào)查;觀察。如:

Please send more researchers to look into this product.

(2) look in往里看;順便看望( on sb)。如:

Won’t you look in on me next time you’re in town?

4.owe sb sth;owe sth to sb

owe sb sth欠某人債務(wù);應(yīng)向某人表達……。如:

I owe her 20 yuan=I owe 20 yuan to her.我欠她 20元。

We owe you an apology(= we owe an apology to you)我們應(yīng)向您道歉。

owe sth to sb. 還可表達:應(yīng)把……歸功于……。如:

We owe our happy life to our Party. (注意這時不能改換為:we owe our party our happy life.)我們的幸福生活歸功于黨。

5.for sale;on sale

(l)for sale“供出售”,含任何東西要出售用,for表目的。如:

That company has imported a lot of goods for sale at home.那家公司進口了許多貨物在國內(nèi)銷售。

(2)on sale“正在出售”,on表銷售的進行性。在美國on sale指“減價拍賣”。如:

All kinds of apples are on sale now.各種蘋果都上市了。

6.put up和set up

1)在表示“建造,搭建”時,兩者可以換用,相當于build. 如:

They've put up the machinery ready for broadcast.

= They’ve set up the machinery ready for broadcast.


Do you know how to put up / set up a tent? 你知道如何搭一個帳篷?

2) put up 還可表示“舉起,張?zhí)薄H纾?br />
It is not permitted to put up a notice on this wall. 不允許在墻上帖布告。

3) set up 還可表示“創(chuàng)建,建立(組織或機構(gòu))”等。如:

They needed money to set up a special school for children.


4) set up 還可以表示“安排好”“搞定”。如:

All the arrangements have been set up for the newspapermen to meet the president.



Step I.Revision:

Step II.Introdction: Look at the picture.If they want to build a platform for school,what will they need and how can they do that?

(suggested answers: bricks, pieces of wood, drill, paint, brush……..)

StepIII.Listen and answer:

(Now, close your books ,please. Let’s listen and answer)

1. What will they do with the wall behind?

2. How long should they wait when the wall is painted?

3. What will they do to stop people walking on the floor?

4. Why will they drill a hole in the wall?

StepIV. Now, open your book and read the dialogue in pairs.

StepV.Silent reading,close your books and fill in blanks.

1. The wall behind looks a bit grey and dull. What can we do to make it look less ugly?

2. No drawing can be done until the wall is dry.That may take about a week.

3. Yes, and we must stop people walking on this floor until it’s firm.

4. It may be necessary to put up a notice saying “put off”. Another thing, we’ll have to drill a hole in the wall for the electric wires.

5. I ought to do some studying, as I’ve got masses of work to do, but I think I’m too tired.

StepVI.Language points:

1.keep off 與 keep away

分析:這兩個短語意思相近,只是off 與 away 詞性不同。

off:為介詞,后面可直接加名詞。如:keep off the grass. Keep your hands off.請勿觸摸。

away為副詞,后面不可直接加名詞。如:Run away. Break away with sb.與。。。斷絕關(guān)系。

2.Ought to do :含有“按道理應(yīng)做莫事”之意,否定式為ought not (oughtn’t)to,疑問式把ought to 移置句首。如:

I ought to do some studying, as I’ve got masses of work to do, but I think I’m too tired.

-----Ought he to go? ----- Yes,he ought.

3.mass(n):大量,大批。 a mass of masses of 許多,大量

I’ve a mass of things to see to this morning.今天上午我要處理很多事情。

The ship cut its way slowly through masses of ice.船劃破大量冰層緩緩前進。

There was a mass of children in the yard.院子里有很多小孩。

4.dull:(of colour or surface)not bright,strong,or sharp.;(of weather, the sky,etc)cloudy;grey;dark..

It’s dull today; We shall have rain. A dress of some uninteresting dull color.




高中輔導(dǎo) http://www.k67r.cn/wx1260/
高一輔導(dǎo) http://www.k67r.cn/wx1290/
高考輔導(dǎo) http://www.k67r.cn/wx1520/
