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新東方在線 雅思(IELTS)培訓


發(fā)布時間: 2016年05月24日

雅思口語新話題之——Raining - 雅思口語



Do you like rainy days?

I love rain. I like the way it sounds and I like looking at it falling from the sky. 我喜歡雨。我喜歡下雨的聲音,而且喜歡看它從天而降。

I love a nice rainy day where the rain comes down steadily or lightly and soaks into the ground. 我喜歡下雨天,喜歡小雨或者連綿的雨下著并浸入土地。

Don't get me started, I soooo dislike them, as they make me feel miserable and grumpy. Give me sunshine any day!別讓我開始說,我煩死下雨了,讓我覺得難受,愛發(fā)脾氣。我要陽光的一天!

What do you do on rainy days?

If it rains a lot, I open the windows and like to hear the sound of rain and try to feel the water drops being inside. I like to have hot coffee also and enjoy it when it rains all day long. Normally I do not switch on my PC much on rainy days, rather I like to watch TV on that time. 如果總下雨,我喜歡打開窗戶聽雨的聲音,試著感受雨滴。如果一整天都下雨,我喜歡邊喝咖啡邊享受。一般我不打開電腦,更喜歡在下雨天看電視。

I get wet running around in the rain like a little kid! I love it!! Plus, I call up the pizza place and make them deliver it in the pouring rain. 我喜歡在下雨天像個孩子一樣在雨里跑把自己淋濕。還要打電話到披薩店讓他們在瓢潑大雨里給我送外賣來!

What is the importance of the rainfall?

Rain is so important us. It irrigates our crops, it gives us water our body needs. It washes away dirt and impurities, and it's fun to play in. Without water, no living thing can survive. 雨水對我們太重要了。它灌溉莊稼,給我們身體所需的水。它沖走塵土和不干凈的東西,而且在雨里玩也很有趣。沒有水,沒有生物可以存活。

Rain is very important to farms to make sure that the crops that are being grown receive the right amount of moisture so that the crops harvested are maximized. 雨水對農場很重要,它能確保正在生長的莊稼可以得到足夠量的濕度從而最大化收成。



