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新東方在線 托福(Toefl)培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年05月11日







Describe a person who hasinfluenced you most. Use specific examples and details to explain why he or shehas influenced you most.

Sample answer: The personthat has influenced me most, I’d say is my grandpa. He is quite different fromother elderly people I know. He has posed great influence on me because firstof all, he is so mentally youthful and dynamic that makes me even have tointrospect my attitude towards life. I mean, he keeps learning knowledgeregarding almost all the latest high-tech gadgets, and he even knows more abouthow to use the latest applications and software than I do, which I thought washardly realizable for the elders. What’s more, he teaches me to be anoptimistic person. He used to show off and joked on his scars got during hisinvolve in the Second World War. I thought he was optimistic enough so that hecould play jokes on his scars, otherwise he wouldn't be so relaxed when talkingabout those scars. Therefore, that’s why I would say my grandpa has influencedme most.

現(xiàn)在我們來(lái)分析一下上面的例子。首先,開(kāi)門見(jiàn)山地給出了問(wèn)題的答案mygrandpa, 讓考官直接把握住你的主要論點(diǎn)。然后,用了firstof all、what’smore來(lái)給出兩個(gè)主要論據(jù)。作者給出的第一個(gè)論據(jù)是grandpa的積極向上和活力使我反省自己對(duì)待生活的態(tài)度,并用了grandpa喜歡鉆研最新的科技產(chǎn)品一事來(lái)進(jìn)一步證明他是如何積極向上。第二個(gè)論據(jù)是grandpa的樂(lè)觀心態(tài)對(duì)我產(chǎn)生很大影響。作者用了grandpa開(kāi)自己傷疤的玩笑來(lái)支持此論據(jù),真實(shí)有力。這樣一來(lái),有了順序,有了細(xì)節(jié),你的回答就天衣無(wú)縫。當(dāng)然,我們建議考生們?cè)谄綍r(shí)練習(xí)的時(shí)候多準(zhǔn)備一條論據(jù)和例子,以備忘詞或因緊張而縮短答案的狀況之需。下面我們來(lái)看看T2的經(jīng)典考題示例:

Shoulda city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replacethem with modern buildings? Use specific reasons to demonstrate your answer.

Personally,I’m in favor of the idea that old and historic buildings should be preserved asthey offer great value to the society. For one thing, these buildings are ofvital importance in illustrating culture, history and tradition. In otherwords, they are the witness and symbol of a particular region’s history.Without them, people would find it hard to get to know the architectural styleof the particular region as well as the living conditions of people in oldtimes in the region. For another thing, old and historic buildings play a pivotalrole in tourism industry for some certain cities. For example, millions oftourists are rushing to the Forbidden City per year to feel the ancient China,which brings vast value to the economic enhancement of Beijing, even of China.As a result, old, historic buildings are not supposed to be destroyed.Conversely, they need to be preserved.

總體看來(lái),本題直奔主題,條理分明,論據(jù)充足。先說(shuō)出應(yīng)該保護(hù)歷史建筑,然后用了兩個(gè)論據(jù)說(shuō)明歷史建筑的價(jià)值。一是歷史建筑代表了文化、歷史和傳統(tǒng),可以讓人們了解特定地區(qū)特定時(shí)期的歷史文化、建筑風(fēng)格和人們的生活環(huán)境。二是歷史建筑能推動(dòng)旅游業(yè)的發(fā)展。答案中舉了故宮的例子來(lái)證明歷史建筑為旅游業(yè),甚至是整個(gè)國(guó)家的經(jīng)濟(jì)做的貢獻(xiàn)是巨大的。通過(guò)這兩個(gè)示例,我們可以看出,在給出論據(jù)的時(shí)候可以多變換一下連接詞,使答案看起來(lái)不重復(fù)、不死板,同時(shí)還能顯示出詞匯量。示例中用了first of all、what’smore、for one thing、for another thing, 除此之外,還有很多表示增補(bǔ)關(guān)系的連接詞,如:besides、more importantly、moreover、in addition、on the top of it等,這些都可以用來(lái)連接論據(jù)。





