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簡(jiǎn)單網(wǎng)校 高中教育培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2017年05月08日




  When I was about twelve, I suddenly developed a great passion (激情) for writing poetry. I 1 all my other hobbies, such as collecting stamps, and spent all my 2 time reading poetry and writing it. This habit of writing poetry on every possible occasion soon got me 3 trouble at school. If a lesson 4 me, I would take out my notebook and start writing poems 5 . Of course I did this very cautiously (小心地), but it was not 6 I got caught. One day while I was busy 7 a poem during a 8 lesson, I looked up 9 the teacher standing over me, getting cross because I was not 10 attention. He tore the poem up, with a warning not to 11 time any more in his lesson. 12 I felt certain that I had written a good poem, so that evening I wrote it out again from 13 . Not long after, I read 14 a poetry 15 and I decided to send in my poem. Weeks later, 16 I had given up 17 , I got a letter informing me I had won first prize. Everyone at school was very impressed, 18 the geography teacher, who 19 me more carefully than ever. He insisted that I 20 poetry in his class!

  1. A. devoted B. gave up C. enjoyed D. disliked

  2. A. important B. spare C. part D. other

  3. A. with B. to C. into D. on

  4. A. doesn’t interest B. isn’t interested C. didn’t interest D. wasn’t interested

  5. A. after class B. out of class C. in class D. in a class

  6. A. long ago B. long before C. soon after D. soon before

  7. A. to write B. writing C. being writing D. with writing

  8. A. history B. geography C. Chinese D. chemistry

  9. A. only to find B. but to find C. finding D. finding out

  10. A. calling B. fixing C. paying D. giving

  11. A. spare B. save C. waste D. spend

  12. A. At the same B. All the same C. At same D. The same

  13. A. brain B. memory C. mind D. reciting

  14. A. through B. in C. about D. from

  15. A. meet B. watch C. game D. contest

  16. A. before long B. long after C. long before D. shortly after

  17. A. courage B. hope C. wish D. success

  18. A. except B. besides C. as well as D. expect

  19. A. guarded B. watched C. observed D. stared at

  20. A. wouldn’t write B. not write C. should write D. would write




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