當前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 簡單網(wǎng)校> 2017高考英語聽力備考:建議、行動、計劃
簡單網(wǎng)校 高中教育培訓


發(fā)布時間: 2016年12月13日




  What does the man (woman) suggest the woman (man) do?

  Why don’t you…?

  How (What) about…?


  What does the speaker recommend to do to improve the situation?(廣州卷)

  A. To enlarge city centers.

  B. To move to the areas outside the city.

  C. To make good use of existing space.


  There are seven million people in my city and everyone lives within 15 kilometers off the center. Wow! All cities of this size suffer from the modern problems of pollution, etc. You must disagree that overcrowding affects every part of our lives in the city. Here’s an example. We often face difficulties with both public and private transport. Buses can be slow and uncomfortable because all the people are using them. And using cars is almost impossible in some cities. You’ve guessed the result—traffic jam! Parking in the rush hour? Forget it! Another area of our lives that is affected is the actual space we’re living in. Space? That’s a joke! In cities people often have to share narrow stairs with strangers, move around small rooms. And 99% of homes have no gardens. This can cause problems with neighbors and stress within families.

  There are two main things that could be done and I’ll get straight to the point. My first suggestion is that there should be more planning. Let’s use all the existing free space in the cities. My second recommendation would be that the government should encourage areas outside big cities to become less dependent on city centers. People would then have less reason to get on my No. 68 bus.

  題干中出現(xiàn)了詞組recommend to do sth(建議做某事),如果在聽力原文中聽到與之相關的詞匯,如:advise, suggest, advice, recommendation, suggestion等,一般而言,則正確答案應該就在這些詞出現(xiàn)的不遠處。對于此題而言,其關鍵信息詞是suggestion和recommendation,根據(jù)句子My first suggestion is that there should be more planning可判定答案為C。


  What does the speaker advice volunteers to do? (湖北卷)

  A. To learn some tree-planting skills.

  B. To come along any time they like.

  C. To bring along their gloves.


  …Every one is welcome to come along anytime between 10 and 4 o’clock. Because you will be working in the mountains, I don’t think you need my advice of what sort of shoes or clothes you have to wear. And of course, gloves will be essential to protect your hands if you’re actually doing digging. So it could be really a nice day out for all families. Enjoy your day.

  聽力原文中出現(xiàn)了解題關鍵詞advice,答案就包含在句子And of course, gloves will be essential to protect your hands if you’re actually doing digging的意思中。故答案為C。




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