當(dāng)前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 簡單網(wǎng)校> 高中生英語作文優(yōu)秀范文:牢記交通安全
簡單網(wǎng)校 高中教育培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年05月04日



  請根據(jù)下列提示,以“Road Safety”為題,寫一篇短文。(字?jǐn)?shù):120—150)      提示:      每年有不少人在交通事故中傷亡。為使交通安全,要牢記如下交通規(guī)則:      (1) 騎車要靠右行;      (2) 遇見紅燈時(shí)不能向左拐或橫穿馬路;      (3) 轉(zhuǎn)彎或停車時(shí)要打手勢;      (4) 穿過馬路,要做到一停二看三通過;      (5) 要幫助老人或孩子安全穿過馬路;      (6) 要教育小孩不要在馬路上玩耍或騎車。      參考范文:      Road Safety      Every year a lot of people are killed or injured in road accidents. How can we make the roads safer? Remember the following traffic rules.      When you ride a bike, keep to the right side of the road. Don’t cross the road or turn left at a red traffic light. Give a hand signal if you want to turn or stop.      Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways, right and left. If the road is clear, it is safe to cross. The correct way to cross is to walk quickly, but not to run. If you run across the road, you may fall down.      If you see small children or old people waiting to cross the road, it is a kind deed to help them to cross in safety. We should teach small children not to play or ride on the roads.      Always obey these rules, you’ll find it much safer to walk or ride on the road.


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