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環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 職稱英語培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年03月14日



Volcanoes were more destructive in ancient history. Not because they were bigger, but because the carbon dioxide they released wiped out life with greater ease. Paul Wignall from the University of Leeds was investigating the link between volcanic eruptions and mass extinctions. Not all volcanic eruptions killed off large numbers of animals, but all the mass extinctions over the past 300 million years coincided with huge formations of volcanic rock. To his surprise, the older the massive volcanic eruptions were, the more damage they seemed to do.

Older eruptions were more devastating _____________.

A、than more recent ones

B、the killing efficiency for older eruptions

C、has been known to us all

D、Wignalls calculations as acceptable

【正確答案】 A

【答案解析】 僅從語法的角度講就可以判斷選擇A。more devastating用了比較級,通常比較級是有比較對象的,而比較對象由than連接,另外A選項(xiàng)填入空后與本段文字的第一句話表達(dá)相同的意思,因此選擇A。

閱讀推薦:職稱英語培訓(xùn) 學(xué)派網(wǎng)職稱英語 新東方職稱英語 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校職稱英語 職稱英語網(wǎng)校排名
