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環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 職稱英語培訓


發(fā)布時間: 2016年03月07日



下面共有15個句子,每個句子中均有1個詞或短語劃有底橫線,請從每個句子后面所給的 4個選項中選擇1個與劃線部分意義最相近的詞或短語。

1. America's emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research.

A. encouraged B. endangered C. endorsed D. enlarged

2. Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her coverage of significant events during the Second World War.

A. baggage B. orphanage C. reportage D. usage

3. Below 600 feet ocean waters range from dimly lit to completely dark.

A. inadequately B. hardly C. faintly D. sufficiently

4. "I'm not meddling," Mary said mildly. "I'm just curious."

A. gently B. shyly C. weakly D. sweetly

5. In 1861 it seemed inevitable that the southern states would break away from the Union.

A. strange B. certain C. inconsistent D. proper

6. Many of novelist Carson McCullers' characters are isolated, disappointed people.

A. solitary B. gloomy C. feeble D. frugal

7. The workers finally called off the strike.

A. put off B. ended C. cancelled D. participated in

8. John has made up his mind not to go to the meeting.

A. wanted B. promised C. decided D. agreed

9. I catch cold now and then.

A. always B. occasionally C. constantly D. regularly

10. He often finds fault with my work.

A. criticizes B. praises C. evaluates D. talks about

閱讀推薦:職稱英語培訓 學派網(wǎng)職稱英語 新東方職稱英語 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校職稱英語
