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環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 職稱英語培訓(xùn)


發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年12月13日


1. He received penalty for drunk driving.

A. pension B. fine

C. complaint D. compensation

B.線索:借助題干中核心結(jié)構(gòu)的詞義色彩縮小答案范圍。drunk driving是貶義詞,因此排除A和D。借助常見搭配:complain( make a complaint) of/about../抱怨..,排除C,所以答案是B(罰款)


Receive: v. 受到,經(jīng)歷, 遭受, 歡迎/接待

receive good treatment受到好的對(duì)待

receive guests歡迎客人

retirement pension退休金

social security-type pensions社會(huì)保險(xiǎn)[障]型養(yǎng)老金

unemployment pension失業(yè)救濟(jì)金

2. Traditional Chinese medicine is famous for using herbs(香草) with healing properties.

A. possessions B. components

C. attributes D. purposes

C. 線索:借助搭配結(jié)構(gòu)含義判斷答案(“有治療(特性)的香草”最合適。)

possession n.有, 所有, 擁有; [pl. ]所有物; 財(cái)產(chǎn), 財(cái)富; 所有權(quán)

personal possessions 個(gè)人財(cái)產(chǎn)

3. I am sorry I can’t grasp the meaning of the book you asked me to read yesterday.

A. understand B. take

C. accept D. agree


4. Many fine cooks insist on ingredients (成分)of the highest quality.

A. demand B. rely on

C. prepare for D. create

A. 分析:考察常見短語。

Insist on: v. 堅(jiān)決認(rèn)為, 堅(jiān)決要求(on, upon)

insist on sb.'s innocence堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為某人無罪

I insisted on his coming with us.我堅(jiān)持要求他和我們一起來

Stick to: v. 堅(jiān)持(原則或決定)

stick to basic principles.基本原則

rely on v.依賴, 依靠

prepare for v.準(zhǔn)備, 使有準(zhǔn)備

比較:survive v.幸免于, 幸存, 生還

e.g. plants that can survive frosts.歷經(jīng)寒霜而存活的植物

provide: provide sth. for../provide sb. with sth.

supply: supply sth. for../supply sb. with sth.

supply/meet/satisfy needs

inform sb. of ..

demand: demand sth.

ask: ask for sth./ask sb. to do sth. /ask sb. sth. (詢問某人…)

5. There is an abundant (B)supply of cheap labor in this country.

A. A steady B. a plentiful

C. an extra D. a minor (B)

B. 分析:被選項(xiàng)特點(diǎn)特點(diǎn)—B和D是反義項(xiàng),因此值得重點(diǎn)注意。Abundant的含義與 plentiful接近,都是“大量的”。


a minor injury輕傷

major :adj.主要的(在重要性或地位方面超過其他人的),大的數(shù)目、尺寸或程度上很大的,嚴(yán)重的

a major artist主要的藝術(shù)家

a major improvement卓越的進(jìn)步

the major portion of the population大部分的人口

a major illness重病

6. Her novel depicts (A)a futuristic America.

A. writes B. sketches (B)

C. describes D. indicates

C. 分析:借助搭配結(jié)構(gòu)“her novel..”判斷C((小說)描述..)是答案。

sketch v.畫略圖;寫提綱

indicate vt.指出, 顯示, 象征, 預(yù)示

7. It took me an hour to skim (A)the book.

A. glimpse at (B) B. look at

C. stare at D. grumble (A)at

A. 分析:前三個(gè)被選項(xiàng)都與“看”有關(guān)系,重點(diǎn)注意。Skim是“瀏覽,略讀” 和glimpse “glimpse v.瞥見,略讀/看”是近似詞。

Grumble vi. 發(fā)怨言;嘰嘰咕咕地表示不滿(at, about, over); vt.抱怨(out)

He grumbled at/about/over the low pay offered to him.


grumble one's complaint發(fā)牢騷

8. They are endeavoring to change society as a whole.

A. trying B. everlasting

C. doing D. making

A. 分析:根據(jù)搭配結(jié)構(gòu)特點(diǎn)“.. to do..”判斷A是答案。

Everlasting adj.永恒的, 持久的

Evergreen; now-fertile; never-happening;

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