當(dāng)前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校> 第8招:和面試主考官交流 電話用語_初級英語口語
環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 翻譯資格培訓(xùn)




發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年05月26日

第8招:和面試主考官交流 電話用語_初級英語口語

和面試主考官交流 & 電話用語

1、 開口就說 Open your mouth

What's up? 發(fā)生了什么事情?

Not much. 沒有什么。

2、 學(xué)來就用 Let's practice


I see here on your resume that you have been in the banking industry for 11 years.

banking industry: 銀行業(yè)

Yes, but I have not been happy there for the last two years.

I have been study English for 11years, I have been happy learning English every year.

Is that why you decided you needed a career change?

I have always wanted to be involved in the building industry, I don't like banking industry.

building industry: 建筑業(yè)

involve in: 卷入到.. 中,加入到…中

Do you have any experience?

Back in high school in college, I worked for my college building company.

Why did you go into banking in the first place?

in the first place = at first 一開始

It just happened.這是碰巧發(fā)生的。

3、 天天進(jìn)步 Make progress everyday


Hello, could I speak to …. Please?

This is …. speaking.

I was calling about your ad in the newspaper for a friend. 爭友廣告。

This my first time in China, I want to learn the language.

I'm stuying English, I would like someone to practice with.

Let's get together for dinner tonight and meet.

That would fine!


閱讀推薦:catti培訓(xùn) catti培訓(xùn)班 新東方口譯 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校翻譯資格
