當(dāng)前位置: 網(wǎng)校排名> 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校> Lesson?43:藝術(shù)展_初級(jí)英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)
環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 翻譯資格培訓(xùn)




發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016年04月12日


Lesson 43 (09-3) art gallery 畫(huà)廊


Hey, this exhibition sounds really interesting! 嘿,這個(gè)展覽聽(tīng)起來(lái)很有趣.

I want to see it ! 我想看一看.

Hmmm. 唔.

What’s that? 那是什么? Or that? 那個(gè)呢?

And what about THAT? 那個(gè)呢?

I really have no idea what these are supposed to mean! 我一點(diǎn)都不明白他們要表達(dá)什么?

What, for instance is THAT thing? 比如,那是什么?

Easy! 簡(jiǎn)單!

What? 什么?

Oh! Did you say ‘easy’? 你說(shuō)’簡(jiǎn)單’?

Okay, what’s that supposed to be? 好,那是什么?

Um, it’s a box! 嗯… 那是個(gè)盒子!

a…. a box? 盒子?

Yeah! What did you think it was? 是啊! 你認(rèn)為它是什么?

Sound 聽(tīng)起來(lái)/ idea 想法/ mean 意思/


Sounds … 聽(tīng)起來(lái)….

Hey, this exhibition sounds really interesting! 嘿,這個(gè)展覽聽(tīng)起來(lái)很有趣!

Swimming sounds fun! Let’s go! 游泳聽(tīng)上去很有趣! 我們?nèi)グ?

And what about that? 那個(gè)呢?

I really have no idea ….我一點(diǎn)都不知道….

I really have no idea what these are supposed to mean! 我一點(diǎn)都不明白他們要表達(dá)什么?

I really have no idea where the No.1 Department Store is. 我一點(diǎn)都不


Okay, what’s that supposed to be? 好,那是什么?

….do you think ….? 你認(rèn)為…?

What did you think it was? 你認(rèn)為它是什么?

Who do you think that young man is? 你認(rèn)為那個(gè)年輕人是誰(shuí)?

Suppose 推測(cè),假設(shè),認(rèn)為

What do you suppose we should do now? 你認(rèn)為我們現(xiàn)在該怎么辦?

I suppose we should leave now. 我想我們現(xiàn)在該走了.

For instance 例如/

There are many things to see in Shanghai, for instance, Yu Garden. 上海有很多可以參觀的地方,比如,豫園.

Sound 聽(tīng)起來(lái)/ idea 想法/ mean 意思/ suppose 推測(cè),假設(shè),認(rèn)為/ for instance 例如/ what’s that? 那是什么?

閱讀推薦:catti培訓(xùn) catti培訓(xùn)班 新東方口譯 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校翻譯資格
