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Word List 3 amenities-apostate

amenities N./令人愉快的,禮貌的/convenient features; courtesies. In addition to the customary amenities for the business traveler-fax machines, modems, a health club-the hotel offers the ser-vices of a butler versed in the social amenities.

amiable ADJ./可愛的,友好的,愜意的/agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly. In Little Women, Beth is the amiable daughter whose loving disposi-tion endears her to all who know her.

amicable ADJ./溫和的,友好禮貌的/politely friendly; not quarrelsome. Beth's sis-ter Jo is the hot-tempered tomboy who has a hard time maintaining amicable relations with those around her. Jo's quarrel with her friend Laurie finally reaches an amicable settlement, but not because Jo turns amiable overnight.

amiss ADJ./錯(cuò)誤/wrong; faulty. Seeing her frown, he wondered if anything were amiss. also ADV.

amity N./友誼/friendship. Student exchange programs such as the Experiment in International Living were established to promote international amity.

amnesia N./失憶,健忘/loss of memory. Because she was suffering from amnesia, the police could not get the young girl to identify herself.

amnesty N./原諒/pardon. When his first child was born, the king granted amnesty to all in prison.

amoral ADJ./不道德的/nonmoral. The amoral individual lacks a code of ethics; he cannot tell right from wrong. The immoral per-son can tell right from wrong; he chooses to do something he knows is wrong.

amorous ADJ./愛情的/moved by sexual love; loving. "Love them and leave them" was the motto of the amorous Don Juan.

amorphous ADJ./無形的,不成形的/formless; lacking shape or definition. As soon as we have decided on our itinerary, we shall send you a copy; right now, our plans are still amorphous.

amphibian ADJ./兩棲的/able to live both on land and in water. Frogs are classified asamphibian. also N.

amphitheater N./橢圓形的劇院,斗獸場/oval building with tiers of seats. The spec-tators in the amphitheater cheered the gladiators.

ample ADJ./豐富的,富足的/abundant. Bond had ample opportunity to escape. Why did he let us catch him?

amplify V./放大/broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make stronger. Charlie Brown tried to amplify his remarks, but he was drowned out by jeers from the audience. Lucy was smarter: she used a loudspeaker to amplify her voice.

amputate V./截肢,切除/cut off part of body; prune. When the doctors had to amputate the young man's leg to prevent the spread of cancer, he did not let the loss of a limb keep him from participating in sports.

amulet N./護(hù)身符/charm; talisman. Around her neck she wore the amulet that the witch doctor had given her.

anachronistic ADJ./時(shí)代錯(cuò)誤/having an error involving time in a story. The reference to clocks in Julius Caesar is anachronistic: clocks did not exist in Caesar's time. anachronism, N.

analgesic ADJ./止痛的/causing insensitivity to pain. The analgesic qualities of this lotion will provide temporary relief.

analogous ADJ./類似的/comparable. She called our attention to the things that had been done in an analogous situation and recommended that we do the same.

analogy N./類比,相似/similarity; parallelism. A well-known analogy compares the body's immune system with an army whose defending troops are the lymphocytes or white blood cells.

anarchist N./無政府主義者/person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority. Denying she was an anarchist, Katya maintained she wished only to make changes in our government, not to destroy it entirely. anarchy, N.

anarchy N./無政府主義/absence of governing body; state of disorder. The assassination of the leaders led to a period of anarchy.

anathema N./詛咒/solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse. The Ayatolla Khomeini heaped anath-ema upon "the Great Satan," that is, the United States. To the Ayatolla, America and the West were anathema; he loathed the democratic nations, cursing them in his dying words. anathematize,V.

ancestry N./祖先/family descent. David can trace his ancestry as far back as the seventeenth century, when one of his ancestors was a court trumpeter somewhere in Germany. ancestral,ADJ.

anchor V./固定;錨/secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place. We set the post in concrete to anchor it in place. anchorage, N.

ancillary ADJ./輔助的/serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary. In an ancillary capacity, Doctor Watson was helpful; however, Holmes could not trust the good doctor to solve a perplex-ing case on his own. also N.

anecdote N./奇聞軼事/short account of an amusing or interesting event. Rather than make concrete proposals for welfare reform, President Reagan told anecdotes about poor people who became wealthy despite their impoverished back-grounds.

anemia N./貧血/condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles. The doctor ascribes her tiredness to anemia. anemic,ADJ.

anesthetic N./麻醉藥/substance that removes sensation with or with-out loss of consciousness. His monotonous voice acted like an anesthetic; his audience was soon asleep. anesthesia, N.

anguish N./極度痛苦/acute pain; extreme suffering. Visiting the site of the explosion, the governor wept to see the anguish of the victims and their families.

angular ADJ./有尖角的,瘦骨嶙峋的/sharp-cornered; stiff in manner. Mr. Spock's features, though angular, were curiously attractive, in a Vul-can way.

animated ADJ./活躍的,有生氣的/lively; spirited. Jim Carrey's facial expres-sions are highlyanimated: when he played Ace Ventura, he looked practically rubber-faced.

animosity N./仇恨/active enmity. He incurred the animosity of the ruling class because he advocated limitations of their power.

animus N./敵意/hostile feeling or intent. The animus of the speaker became obvious to all when he began to indulge in sarcastic and insulting remarks.

annals N./記錄,歷史/records; history. In the annals of this period, we find no mention of democratic movements.

annex V./接手/attach; take possession of. Mexico objected to the United States' attempts to annex the territory that later became the state of Texas.

annihilate V./毀滅,破壞/destroy. The enemy in its revenge tried to annihilate the entire population.

annotate V./評論,注釋/comment; make explanatory notes. In the appendix to the novel, the editor sought to annotate many of the author's more esoteric references.

annuity N./年金,養(yǎng)老金/yearly allowance. The annuity he setup with the insurance company supplements his social security bene-fits so that he can live very comfortably without working.

annul v./避免/make void. The parents of the eloped couple tried to annul the marriage.

anoint V./神圣化/consecrate. The prophet Samuel anointed David with oil, crowning him king of Israel.

anomalousADJ./不正常的,變態(tài)的/abnormal; irregular. He was placed in the anomalousposition of seeming to approve procedures which he despised.

anomaly N./不正常/irregularity. A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly.

anonymity N./匿名/state of being nameless; anonymousness. The donor of the gift asked the college not to mention him by name; the dean readily agreed to respect his anonymity.

anonymous ADJ./匿名的/having no name. She tried to ascertain the identity of the writer of the anonymous letter.

antagonism N./反抗,敵對/hostility; active resistance. Barry showed his antagonism toward his new stepmother by ignoring her whenever she tried talking to him. antagonistic,ADJ.

antecede V./先于/precede. The invention of the radiotelegraph anteceded the development of television by a quarter of a century.

antecedents N./歷史環(huán)境;歷史背景/preceding events or circumstances that influence what comes later; ancestors or early background. Susi Bechhofer's ignorance of her Jewish background had its antecedents in the chaos of World War II. Smuggled out of Germany and adopted by a Christian family, she knew nothing of her birth and antecedents until she was reunited with her family in 1989.

antediluvian ADJ./遠(yuǎn)古,上古,及其久遠(yuǎn)/antiquated; extremely ancient. Looking at his great-aunt's antique furniture, which must have been clut-tering up her attic since the time of Noah's flood, the young heir exclaimed, "Heavens! How positively antediluvian!"

anthem N./圣歌,贊美詩/song of praise or patriotism. Let us now all join in singing the national anthem.

anthology N./選集/book of literary selections by various authors. This anthology of science fiction was compiled by the late Isaac Asimov.anthologize,V.

anthropocentric ADJ./人類中心說/regarding human beings as the cen-ter of the universe. Without considering any evidence that might challenge his anthropocentric viewpoint, Hector cate-gorically maintained that dolphins could not be as intelligent as men. anthropocentrism, N.

anthropoidADJ./類人的/manlike. The gorilla is the strongest of the anthropoid animals. also N.

anthropologist N./人類學(xué)家/a student of the history and science of mankind.Anthropologists have discovered several relics of prehistoric man in this area.

anthropomorphic ADJ./人形的/having human form or characteris-tics. Primitive religions often have deities with anthropomor-phic characteristics. anthropomorphism, N.

anticlimax N./反高潮,突降/letdown in thought or emotion. After the fine performance in the first act, the rest of the play was an anti-climax. anticlimactic,ADJ.

antidote N./解藥/medicine to counteract a poison or disease. When Marge's child accidentally swallowed some cleaning fluid, the local poison control hotline instructed Marge how to administer the antidote.

antipathy N./反對,厭惡/aversion; dislike. Tom's extreme antipathy for disputes keeps him from getting into arguments with his temperamental wife. Noise in any form is antipathetic to him. Among his other antipathies are honking cars, boom boxes, and heavy metal rock.

antiquated ADJ./過時(shí)的,陳舊的/old-fashioned; obsolete. Philip had grown so accustomed to editing his papers on word processors that he thought typewriters were too antiquated for him to use.

antiseptic N./抗菌物/substance that prevents infection. It is advis-able to apply an antiseptic to any wound, no matter how slight or insignificant. alsoADJ.

antithesis N./對立面/contrast; direct opposite of or to. This tyranny was the antithesis of all that he had hoped for, and he fought it with all his strength.

apathy N./漠不關(guān)心/lack of caring; indifference. A firm believer in democratic government, she could not understand the apathy of people who never bothered to vote. apathetic,ADJ.

ape V./模仿/imitate or mimic. He was suspended for a week because he had aped the principal in front of the whole school.

aperture N./洞,穴,孔/opening; hole. She discovered a small aper-ture in the wall, through which the insects had entered the room.

apex N./高點(diǎn),頂點(diǎn),高潮/tip; summit; climax. He was at the apex of his career: he had climbed to the top of the heap.

aphasia N./失聲/loss of speech due to injury or illness. After the automobile accident, the victim had periods of aphasia when he could not speak at all or could only mumble inco-herently.

aphorism N./格言,警句,諺語/pithy maxim. An aphorism differs from an adage in that it is more philosophical or scientific. "The proper study of mankind is man" is an aphorism. "There's no smoke without a fire" is an adage. aphoristic,ADJ.

apiary N./蜂房/a place where bees are kept. Although he spent many hours daily in the apiary, he was very seldom stung by a bee.

aplomb N./沉著,垂直/poise; assurance. Gwen's aplomb in handling potentially embarrassing moments was legendary around the office; when one of her clients broke a piece of her best crystal, she coolly picked up her own goblet and hurled it into the fireplace.

apocalypticADJ./啟示的,啟示錄的/prophetic; pertaining to revelations. The crowd jeered at the street preacher's apocalyptic predictions of doom. The Apocalypse or Book of Revelationsof Saint John prophesies the end of the world as we know it and fore-tells marvels and prodigies that signal the coming doom.

apocryphal ADJ./假的,捏造的/untrue; made up. To impress his friends, Tom invented apocryphal tales of his adventures in the big city.

apogee N./頂點(diǎn)/highest point. When the moon in its orbit is far-thest away from the earth, it is at its apogee.

apolitical ADJ./不問政治的/having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs. It was hard to remain apolitical during the Vietnam War; even people who generally ignored public issues felt they had to take political stands.

apologist N./辯護(hù)者/one who writes in defense of a cause or insti-tution. Rather than act as an apologist for the current regime in Beijing and defend its brutal actions, the young diplomat decided to defect to the West.

apostate N./變節(jié)者,脫黨者,叛徒/one who abandons his religious faith or politi-cal beliefs. Because he switched from one party to another, his former friends shunned him as an apostate. apostasy, N.





環(huán)球教育(Global Education),是中國留學(xué)語言培訓(xùn)行業(yè)**機(jī)構(gòu),20年來,秉持教育成就未來的理念,專注于為中國學(xué)子提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的留學(xué)語言培訓(xùn)及配套服務(wù)。目前,環(huán)球教育已構(gòu)建了包含語言培訓(xùn)、留學(xué)咨詢、國際課程、游學(xué)考察、模擬課堂等在內(nèi)的一站式服務(wù)教育生態(tài)圈。


環(huán)球教育以卓越的教學(xué)成效和良好的服務(wù)口碑在業(yè)界享有盛名,我們堅(jiān)持以學(xué)生為中心,一手抓教學(xué)服務(wù),一手抓師資力量。教學(xué)中應(yīng)用科學(xué)的入學(xué)評測體系,實(shí)現(xiàn)學(xué)員的個(gè)性化學(xué)習(xí);采用獨(dú)特的"環(huán)球?qū)嵱脩?yīng)試教學(xué)模式",關(guān)注學(xué)習(xí)進(jìn)程,因材施教;獨(dú)創(chuàng)"核心課 吸收課"的教學(xué)理念,幫助學(xué)生快速提升學(xué)習(xí)效能,達(dá)到出國留學(xué)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。同時(shí),環(huán)球教育引進(jìn)和培養(yǎng)了一批頂尖教學(xué)人才,科學(xué)的教師培訓(xùn)和管理體系,打造出一支實(shí)力雄厚、結(jié)構(gòu)合理的師資團(tuán)隊(duì), 為優(yōu)質(zhì)教學(xué)提供堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的保障。




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