1. The maximum plus or minus the minimum makes minute difference. 最大值加上或者減去最小值只產(chǎn)生極小的差異 .
2. The witty witness withdraws his words within minutes without any reason. 詼諧的證人在幾分鐘之內(nèi)無故地收回了他說的話 .
3. The cake maker shakes a naked snake with the quaking rake without sake. 蛋糕制造者無緣無故地用抖動(dòng)的耙子搖一條赤裸的蛇 .
4. By the crook, the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies. 在溪邊,廚子在做鉤形餅干之前查閱了一本食譜。
5. The writer writes the white book quite quietly in quilt. 作家在被子里十分平靜地寫白皮書。